Hello World!

Welcome to my blog!

About nine years ago, I met this guy at the Bowling Palace in Downingtown, PA. Little did I know how he would change my life.

My friend Becca was bowling on a league for homeschoolers and invited me to come with her. The lane next to ours was vacant, but, being a bookwork, I noticed that there was a stack of books on the table.

One was called “Rich Christians in the Age of Hunger.” With a title like that, I couldn’t help myself. I picked up the book and began to read. I got through the first chapter and this slightly irritated male voice said, “Those are my books.” I froze, but not one to be intimidated, I spun around and, looking at him right in the eyes, said, “Well! I hope you don’t agree with this socialist author… while I think that Christians have a responsibility to the poor, God certainly does bless some Christians with money. I don’t like the idea of guilt-tripping Christians whom God has blessed. What about Christians who are poor and who aren’t content? I think there are deeper attitude issues here that aren’t being addressed.”

From my soapbox, I could see that he was a head taller than me. Dark hair, nice Italian olive skin, and yet had hazel-green eyes… in fact, the same color as mine. He had about a two-day old shave, and looked to be pretty strong. He was speechless. He wasn’t used to girls who voiced their opinion.

Becca rescued him.

“Oh, I see you met my friend Sarah from Indiana. Sarah, this is Tom.”

It turns out, he was writing a paper for his college economics class, and the prof had challenged him to write on economics from a Christian perspective. I was pursuing a career in journalism – I wanted to be a war-correspondent – and loved the opportunity to write about an interesting topic. I gave him my email address and asked him to send me a note. He didn’t write for two weeks.

I spent the night at Becca’s. While we were in our sleeping bags by the coal stove, I asked her about Tom. “Tom Albrecht? Well, he’s not really my type [she later married a blonde-haired, blue-eyed military guy] but he’s really smart and he’s funny. Still, I can’t imagine kissing him or anything.”

(Some how the kissing line has stuck in my memory. Little does she know how fun it is to kiss him.. I think I’ve kissed him over 1,000 times at this point.)
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