Mommy Tip: Medicine Dosage Charts

In effort to save money, I buy the store-brands of pain medication containing Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Ibuprofen (Motrin).

When I called the pediatrician on behalf of one of our daughters this morning, he asked about the dose of Tylenol she was given. I had given her one and one half teaspoons, but it turned out that she should have been given two teaspoons based on her weight.

The problem is that store-brand medicines often label dosage by age and not by weight, so it’s guesswork to figure out how much to give.

As a result, I looked up dosage charts online. The most detailed charts seem to be at

(I will be printing these and taping them inside my cupboard door. ;-) )

To save you the search if you find yourself in the same predicament, I have listed the links are listed below. Both links orient you directly to the charts, but there is also pertinent information above and below the charts that can be read by scrolling up or down:

Ibuprofen Chart
(Found in these and other brands: Motrin, Advil, Pediacare Fever, Children’s ElixSure)

Acetaminophen Chart
(Found in these and other brands: Tylenol, Feverall Suppositories , Tempra, ElixSure IB)

2 Replies to “Mommy Tip: Medicine Dosage Charts”

  1. just remember in saving money to NEVER cut a “extended dose” tablet of anything in half. The extended dose works kinda like a jawbreaker … the layers gradually break down, releasing a little medicine every few hours … but if you cut it in half, ALL the layers are exposed at once.

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