Salad Dressing in Individual-Serving Sized Packets

I just want to say that salad dressing companies would do well to sell boxes of individual packets – at the grocery store for the general consumer – of salad dressing to take with you on the go…

I wrote to Ken’s Steakhouse Salad Dressings about two years ago on this, and never heard back.

I’m putting this out there again, being as Dole Salads is now selling smaller to-go bags ranging from 4-6oz in size.

5 Replies to “Salad Dressing in Individual-Serving Sized Packets”

  1. Nice to see you read my blog, love.
    I’ll check out the links.

    I’ve yet to see individual packets in the grocery store. I know they exist for fast food restaurants and cafeterias, but I just think that people would pack salads for lunch more if they had a better dressing solution. At present, you’re stuck taking the bottle with you or making lettuce soggy by lunchtime by putting it on before you leave for work.

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