Don’t Eat and Run!

Here’s my chat with Tom today:

Sarah: btw, aiden just puked.
Sarah: he was running while eating carrots
Lovey Love Love: every message from you is an adventure
Sarah: and he swallowed a baby carrot whole and started to choke
Sarah: so I grabbed him and put his head over the trash
Sarah: lots of throwing up
Lovey Love Love: yay!
Sarah: and finally, the large carrot lodged in his throat popped out
Sarah: he hadn’t even chewed it
Sarah: no bite marks at all
Lovey Love Love: it was in his throat, though… he wasn’t choking
Lovey Love Love: right?
Sarah: I guess you’re right
Sarah: it was stuck in his throat
Sarah: not windpipe

So what is it called? I need to find out.

2 Replies to “Don’t Eat and Run!”

  1. He was choking. Per “b: to obstruct by filling up or clogging ”

    :) Hope Aiden is okay.

  2. Thanks for clearing that up, Shannon!

    One of my pet peeves is when people refer to strangulation as choking. Choking produces the feeling of strangulation, but they are two different things.

    Aiden, btw, is fine – better than ever. He promised never to run with food in his mouth again.

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