Jay Adams on Turning 80

Jay Adams’ books Competent to Counsel and Handbook of Church Discipline: Right and Privilege of Every Church Member (dissertation/handbook on Matthew 18) are books that have been influential in my life. I first discovered Adams whilst combing through my mother-in-law’s bookshelves.

Recently, Adams turned eighty! He reflected on this milestone in his blog. Below is a lovely excerpt. The post in it’s entirety can be found here.

At eighty, I ought to have some sage advice to give the young. Let’s see, if I were to pick one thing only, that might be of importance, what would it be? Hmmmm…

I know one! Prepare for old age. True, you may never make it; there are former students of mine who have died already. If you don’t have some activity that you can engage in for the Lord, you will probably end up a sour and regretful old person. There’s always something one can do so long as he has control of his basic faculties. If he is bedridden, he can pray.

Happy Birthday, Jay! I appreciate your gentle, practical thoughts on applications of scripture and for taking the time to write them down so as to share them with the rest of us. I am thankful for your clarity of mind – even for your eyesight – at 80. I’m looking forward to seeing how God will use you the rest of your days. You are loved!

Note: I’m tagging this with “Stewardship” as our days are a gift from God. Psalm 139 tells us he knows how many of them we will have before we’re even born. (This is a passage I reflect upon often!) How will we use the life God has given to us for His glory? Adam points out that no matter what our physical state, there are always ways we can use the abilities that we have for the Lord.