Grapefruit Boy

Micah (age 4) loves Ruby Red grapefruit. He is the only one of my children to inherit my tongue-to-nose superpower.
Micah (age 4) loves Ruby Red grapefruit. He is the only one of my children to inherit my tongue-to-nose superpower.
"Whaa? You don't like my grapefruit? I cut you!"
Whaa? You don't like my grapefruit? I cut you!

(Oct. 22 Update): Random stuff about grapefruit:

Did you know that grapefruit are hesperidia, or an elongated type of berry?

Parts of a Grapefruit: Accidental Hedonist | Citrus Fruit Biology (< -- cool food blog, BTW!) Grapefruit were historically called, One of the Seven Wonders of Barbados and in 1753, were thought to be the “Forbidden Fruit” in the Garden of Eden.

Washing some medications down with grapefruit juice can kill you!

Grapefruit Recipes:


All Recipes

75 Grapefruit Recipes from Just Fruits

Grapefruit Chiffon Cake from

…and a bazillion other facts and recipes (including making your own grapefruit “tea”) from Martha Stewart (I’m not ashamed… I love her!)

8 Replies to “Grapefruit Boy”

  1. Lol, Micah is such a cutie! I wish I could do the tongue-to-nose trick. :-) So he likes grapefruit just plain? I have such a sweet-tooth, I need to sprinkle a little sugar on my grapefruit halves, hehe.

  2. Hi Melissa!!

    We should be headed your way in the next week or so. I’ll let you know :)

    Micah loves plain grapefruit.

    He also loves spicy foods!

    Very thankful for my crazy kids.

    BTW, I love the haircut photos on your blog!!

  3. My mother taught me the key to selecting a juicy grapefruit:
    Find ones with smooth, shiny skin. The tighter the pores on the outside, the more juice on the inside. This trick never fails me! :)

  4. Hey, I have that superpower, too! ;)

    I’m enjoying browsing your blog! Thanks for the welcome~tweet! ;)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. This morning, Micah was eating his breakfast (of course, it’s a grapefruit… had you any doubts?!) and this time it was cut “between the eyes”, so he could eat it with a spoon. When done with the spoon, he turned the grapefruit INSIDE OUT to scrape out the remaining bits of juice vesicles with his teeth.

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