Do Not Skateboard Into a Swinging Baseball Bat

A dull thwak was followed by horrible screams this morning.

While Aiden, was practicing his swing with a metal bat, Micah, obviously needing some practice, too, skateboarded right into him.

After a moment in triage (um, that would be administering an ice pack my kitchen) I admonished Micah, 5, not to skateboard towards people, especially those who are wielding baseball bats; to be responsible. He had no right to blame Aiden for the black eye.

I admonished Aiden, 6, that, if he is to be swinging a baseball bat, he must look out for other people and do everything in his power to stop the swing instead of hitting them full-force. Sometimes there are ways to lessen harm to others in the midst of an accident.

4 Replies to “Do Not Skateboard Into a Swinging Baseball Bat”

  1. Oh my gosh, this is SO my kids!

    A few years ago, my oldest popped my youngest in the mouth with an aluminum bat. We kept telling him to back up (playing baseball).

    .-= Nikowa Lee´s last blog ..Spring Fever =-.

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